

Abbeys are the mustard seed expressions of Basileia, the founding jurisdiction of a Basileia Community, comprised of Basileians in general, Adult Communicant Members and Governing Members in particular as well as Chapters, and founded by an Abbot. The complementary governing functions of its Presbyter Council, Deacon Councils and Missional Councils enable Abbeys to create a “neighborhood” in the Ecclesial City with its own unique charism and distinctives. Furthermore, an Abbey founds a Basileia Community and is thus what some call “an apostolic team” or a “church planting team.” An Abbey serves as the community center around which a Basileia Community grows through various initiatives that in turn lead to the addition of other Fellowships. However, an Abbey may or may not choose to grow much as a Fellowship in its own right. Regardless, an Abbey perpetually serves as the home for the Community’s presiding Abbot and may also provide a home for other Abbots of Basileia and offers practical and logistical support to its respective Community Presbyter Council, Community Deacon Council and Community Missional Council. An Abbey is also the primary or initial home (thus not necessarily the only home) in a Community for members who order themselves together in new and creative forms and more intensive modes of monastic community.

Also see Elect, Mustard Seed, and Monastic.