Alliance | Communities | Fellowships | Abbeys | Societies | Chapters
The Alliance
The Community of St. John is an Ecclesial City expression of Basileia and a member of the Alliance. The Community is a home for member Fellowships, the first being the Fellowship of St. John, united around the Abbey of St. John, the founding apostolic team of the Community.
The Abbey of St. John is the founding apostolic team of the Basileia Community of St. John. The Abbey serves to unite all new Fellowships of the Community into a colony of heaven on earth.
The Abbey of St. Illtyd was founded by Presbyters Abraham and Tim Abel and is located in South Wales, United Kingdom.
We are a fellowship of friends who share in a quest with Christ and his Church for personal and global transformation by traversing “the valley,” living heroically, destroying evil, and restoring all things. We believe the Church is the primary agent for creating an alternative world where all things are new, and we rejoice to be counted among her people.
The Fellowship of St. John was founded by Presbyter Todd Colister and is located in San Mateo, California.
Through the realm of education the Society of Educators imagines, cultivates and launches kingdomcultural initiatives and communities.
Through the realm of business and economics the Society of Entrepreneurs imagines, cultivates and launches kingdomcultural initiatives and communities.
The Abbey of St. John Entrepreneurs is a global fellowship of friends from diverse backgrounds united on the epic, kingdomcultural quest with Christ and His Church to make all things new by destroying evil and restoring all things ruined by evil in and through the vocational area of education.
The Abbey of St. John Entrepreneurs is a global fellowship of friends from diverse backgrounds united on the epic, kingdomcultural quest with Christ and His Church to make all things new by destroying evil and restoring all things ruined by evil in and through the vocational areas of business and economics.
Six ecclesial jurisdictions give expression to our charism: • The Alliance • Communities • Fellowships • Abbeys • Societies • Chapters
The Fallen World System is the problem for which kingdomculture embodied in the Capital C Church is the solution. Putting the phrase “Capital C” in front of the word Church is necessary in order to be clear that there’s more to the Church than just distinctive expressions of the Church like the “local church,” the “mission church,” the “house church,” the “mega church,” or the “established church.”
Basileia is an expression of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church that has been given a unique kingdomcultural charism, lifestyle and mission.
Our logo portrays Basileia as a city with four horizontal gateways that aim us to the north, south, east and west in the quest to cultivate the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Basileia has six ecclesial jurisdictions or organizational expressions, none of which are limited geographically, enabling Basileia to do what it does: • The Alliance • Communities • Fellowships • Abbeys • Societies • Chapters.
The Alliance is the global expression of Basileia and a member of Communio Christiana. The Alliance is the global meeting place of the Abbots of all of Basileia's Communities and Vocational Societies.