Appeals Court

Appeals Court

While each member of the Church individually and collectively is called and authorized to be self-governing, at times they may be unwilling and/or unable. Thus when a matter of corrective discipline or formative discipleship exceeds the capacity of Basileians to resolve, they may appeal to the proper Council, depending on the issue at hand. If this Council does not have the capacity to come to consensus on the matter, then an appeal in turn may be made to the Council of the next broader jurisdiction and so on until the matter is resolved. Furthermore, while each jurisdiction of Basileia is a court that its respective members may initiate an appeal to, each jurisdiction may also initiate corrective discipline or formative discipleship of its members 1) within its respective Constitutional boundaries in order to maintain unity and order in the Church and 2) through various missional initiatives to empower members in their charism in general and to multiply in particular.

Also see Apostolic, Capacity, Charism, Consensus Decision-Making, Council and Ministerial Authority.