Baptized Believers

Baptized Believers

All baptized believers are members of the “priesthood of all believers,” which signifies that they are holders of an office of rulership in the Kingdom of God. Upon all Baptized Believers Jesus bestows His Kingdom and invites them to His Table in His Kingdom to judge (rule). The office of the Baptized Believer is not of lesser authority, but is of a different kind of authority than the offices of ordained Presbyters, Deacons and consecrated Bishops and Abbots. In Basileia, all Baptized Believers are welcome at the Table of any Basileia Eucharistic service indicating that they are members of the priesthood of all believers. Furthermore, in regards to Baptized Believers who have completed the Novitiate to become Commissioned Governing Members, Basileia recognizes that they have a kind of governing authority to lead and administrate Missional Councils. This kind of governing authority is of equal value but different in function to that exercised by Presbyters, Deacons, Bishops and consecrated Abbots.

Also see Baptism, Infant Baptism, Missional Councils and Priesthood of all Believers.