Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education developed by Benjamin Bloom. It divides educational objectives into three domains: affective (“feeling/heart”), didactic (“knowing/head”) and sensorial (“doing/hands”). These domains correspond in a general way to the priestly, prophetic and kingly practices of our Basileian way of life, respectively. Roughly, for example, the Liturgy is the priestly domain (feeling/heart), our Catechism is the prophetic domain (knowing/head) and our Canons are the kingly domain (doing/hands). Basileia focuses on all three domains, creating a holistic approach to the formation (education) of members. Furthermore, Bloom’s Taxonomy also makes distinctions within each domain between lower levels of learning that in general are more concrete and therefore foundational to the higher levels of learning which are more imaginary and creative. The goal of our Basileian lifestyle in general and of the Catechumenate in particular is to concretely master the basics of being kingdomcultural. The goal of our Basileian journey toward maturity in general and of the Novitiate in particular is to empower members to imaginatively and creatively re-master what it means to be kingdomcultural in order to advance the Kingdom in all areas of thought and life in ways never conceived of before.

Also see Catechism, Catechumenate, and Novitiate.