

Christ is the ultimate chivalric Hero we seek to follow and become like. Although being in very nature God, He emptied Himself in what theologically is called an act of kenosis whereby He did not cease being God, but took on humanity, setting aside the direct use of His power as the Son of God in fighting against evil, choosing to fight evil as a Man filled with the Holy Spirit. In this way He remained obedient to death, even death on the cross. This had the twofold effect of both destroying evil (by outlasting it and exhausting it) and restoring all things ruined by evil. Only a divine chivalric solution to the problem of evil can do both. Thus the chivalric solution to evil is kingdomcultural. The subcultural “solution” to evil is to run from it in a non-chivalric, cowardly way. The countercultural “solution” is as equally cowardly and non-chivalric in that it attempts to rule over evil with coercive power that ultimately solves nothing and only creates an infinite variety of  “prisons” (the ultimate prison being Hades itself) to warehouse evil temporally or eternally. Only the chivalric approach to exhausting evil through the heroic, sacrifice and suffering of those whose vision is to replace evil with good is worthy of story, song and celebration.

Also see Christus Victor, Epic Story, Kenosis, and Theosis.