Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints

The Communion of Saints is the sum total of all believers who comprise the Church in heaven and on earth, across space and time. All Saints Day is the annual celebration of the reality of the Communion of Saints and was one of the most important holydays of the Celtic Church, which is not unrelated to the fact that Celtic Christianity formed the first Christian culture outside of the Roman Empire. Every culture needs their pantheon of heroes who embody its culture for all time. Kingdomculture is no different. The Communion of Saints is to the Church what pantheons of gods and goddesses are in the mythologies of the world’s cultures, including the “secular” pantheons of political, sports and entertainment heroes. One way that Basileia celebrates its own pantheon of heroes is in relation to the Apostolic Succession it participates in through its membership in Communio Christiana.

Also see Apostolic Succession.