Epic Story

Epic Story

The Epic Story is the narrative told in song, liturgy, dance, architecture, seasons of the year, etc. of the prophecy (Advent) of Christ’s call (Christmas) to take on the mission (Epiphany) of exhausting evil (Lent) by means of His chivalric destruction of evil through His death and resurrection (Pascha) that in turn makes possible the outpouring of the power of the Spirit (Pentecost) so that we can join Him in expanding the Kingdom into the frontiers of existence (Kingdomtime). Some call this the Christus Victor story. The Church Year is the framework for this Epic Story, which is the actual source of the unique retellings of this story at the heart of every culture of the world, as documented in The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Epic stories like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and The Matrix are just some of the better know modern mythologies that follow the flow of the Epic Story, a story which is ultimately about how the Hero prophesied to come in Genesis 3:15 has come, and who has fought and conquered His foes in chivalric fashion.

See Christus Victor, Church Year, Empowerment, and Genius.