
Both individuals and collective jurisdictions are members of Basileia. An individual is always and only membered to a Fellowship or a Chapter. Individuals cannot be membered to any jurisdictions other than these two. Fellowships and Chapters are in turn collective members of broader jurisdictions that in turn are members of yet broader jurisdictions. For example, a Fellowship is a member of a Basileia Community that in turn is a member of the Basileia Alliance that in turn is a member of Communio Christiana that in turn is a member of the universal Church. This is similar to how individuals in ancient Israel were members of families that were in turn members of clans that were in turn members of tribes that were in turn members of the nation. This nesting of jurisdictions within jurisdictions in the Kingdom of God is ministerial in nature, not mediatorial. The Fallen World System typically perverts this by turning broader jurisdictions into overlords of narrower or more local jurisdictions, turning them into “departments” of a monolithic whole. This kind of “unity” is the so-called “unity” of the Tower of Babel that the Lord put an end to. Broader jurisdictions do not have “more authority” than narrower jurisdictions. Instead all jurisdictions have equal authority while being different in function. As this applies to Basileia, a Chapter, for example, is a member simultaneously of both of a Fellowship and its respective Vocational Society. But this does not mean that this Chapter is ruled over or can be subjectively overruled by a Fellowship or its respective Vocational Society. No member, individual or collective, has mediatorial “authority over” any other member. We constantly work to purge such mediatorial language (e.g., “authority over,” etc.) from our vocabulary in that Jesus says it has no part in His Church (Lk. 22:24-27). Finally, a jurisdiction’s members, geographically speaking, may be and come from anywhere in the world.

Also see Adult Communicant Member, Communicant Member, Governing Members, Jurisdictions, Ministerial Authority, and “The Opportunity Presented by Members Called to Function Together Ministerially.”