Standard of Authority

The standard of authority is the third of the five elements in the covenantal structure of authority – source, delegation, standard, transfer and expansion. Covenantally speaking, the standard of authority answers the basic question asked by all communities: “What are the rules?” Practically, Basileians cultivate a commitment to the Word as our standard of authority in these ways: 1) in our mode of worship in the third movement of the Liturgy, 2) in our way of life marked by the three practices of our primary discipline of listen – follow the lectionary in rhythm with the Church Year, interpret the Word according to the Apostolic Rule of Faith and observe our Constitution. By definition, the covenantal exercise of authority is bounded by confessional standards that are consistent with the Apostolic Rule of Faith as revealed through creation, in Scripture and by the Spirit. Therefore all Basileians, individually and collectively, are to re-present (i.e., reconstruct, restate) these standards in their respective governmental roles and responsibilities. The covenantal idea of “representative” is ministerial, not mediatorial since the standard by which delegated authorities are to operate comes from above and is not of themselves. Furthermore, there are always two aspects to the covenantal idea of representation. First, covenantal representatives have a priestly function of representing themselves and others to God. Second, they have a prophetic and kingly function of representing God to others and society as a whole. As the Scripture says, “You have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth” (Rev. 5:10). Such a calling requires the rejection of autonomy for theonomy.

Also see Autonomy, Covenant, Law of God, Listen, Overcomers, Pattern-Keepers, Storytellers, and Theonomy.