Make Consensus Decisions

Making Consensus Decisions as Friends of God is one of three practices by which we Govern from the Table, the other two being our practice of open communion by which we welcome all to the Table as Sentinels and creating wealth, tithing and giving of…

Making Consensus Decisions as Friends of God is one of three practices by which we Govern from the Table, the other two being our practice of open communion by which we welcome all to the Table as Sentinels and creating wealth, tithing and giving offerings as Stewards.

Making Consensus Decisions is a prophetic practice of being Friends of God.

We immediately turn what revelation comes to us through creation, in Scripture and by the Spirit back into conversation with the Lord in the Council of the Lord, binding and loosing on earth what has already been bound and loosed in heaven. This conversation takes the form of listening to what the Holy Spirit says through each other. While some have a more developed or different capacity to say what they hear the Spirit saying to the Church, we all carefully listen and honor the Lord by honoring the contributions of all. In this way we govern in the safety of the counsel of many. We seek nothing less than to be like Jesus who only said what He heard His Father saying and only did what He saw His Father doing.