What We Dare

Basileia dares to imagine, cultivate and launch kingdomcultural initiatives and communities that together operate as an alternative to the Fallen World System. 

Basileia dares to imagine, cultivate and launch kingdomcultural initiatives and communities that together operate as an alternative to the Fallen World System. 

Basileia imagines, cultivates and launches kingdomcultural initiatives and communities

Let’s break that down.


Basileia (pronounced boss-eh-LAY-a), which is the Greek word for kingdom, is an expression of the one, holy, catholic (i.e., universal), apostolic Church in communion with Communio Christiana.


The epic story of Paradise lost and regained reawakens our imagination and rekindles hope that the world, which was originally created bounteous and beautiful, though now broken, shall be restored.


Each individual has a unique kind of genius destined to be cultivated and expressed. Our belonging in order to believe approach to community life aims at identifying and calling forth this unique genius, both in each person individually and in each corporate Basileian expression of the Church.


The Missional Councils of Basileia mobilize every Basileia jurisdiction (i.e., expression) to be a beachhead from which missional initiatives are launched to expand the known boarders of the Kingdom of God in future-ancient ways into uncharted places of life and thought.


Kingdomculture is the culture of the Kingdom of God. Whereas subculture runs from evil and counterculture rules over evil, kingdomculture replaces evil with good in chivalric ways (thus destroying evil) in order to redeem all things. The spirit of kingdomculture is the Father’s passion for the union and restoration of all things in Christ. The pattern of kingdomculture is the covenant.

Initiatives and Communities

If missional initiatives are likened to new wine, then Basileia’s communities (i.e., expressions) are the wine skins. Basileia’s missional initiatives are what kingdomcultural looks like in motion. Basileia’s communities are how we embody kingdomculture in order to be a faithful expression of the Capital C Church.

When kingdomculture (as put in motion by our missional initiatives) is embodied in expressions of the Capital C Church (which we faithfully seek to be), then we not only “go to church” on Sunday, but also “go from Church” Monday through Saturday as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, the alternative world system to the Fallen World System.

Thus Basileians imagine, cultivate and launch kingdomcultural initiatives and communities out of a vision for the Church as the alternative city, colony, unique society and empire of God. The Church is not merely a religious institution or movement in someone else’s city, colony, society or empire. The Church has her own institutions, language, flag, calendar, ceremonies, leaders, borders and Emperor, and so she is not a member in any sense of the Fallen World System. She goes to that system in order to replace it, not to be of it.

To imagine, cultivate and launch kingdomcultural alternatives is what we dare.

(More about Boyd)