Boyd W. Morris


Boyd was ordained a Presbyter of the Church on December 29, 2004 by Bishops William Paul Mikler and Wayne Boosahda. He is the founder and Abbot of the Abbey of St. John in Colorado Springs, Colorado and also serves as the Presiding Abbot of the Alliance. Boyd and his wife, Sheila, happily reside in Colorado Springs where he enjoys hiking in the mountains, managing his five rental properties, and landscaping his yard. His vision of the Church is expressed by his favorite image, the Icon of Resurrection, which shows the gates of Hades not prevailing as Christ and His Church destroy evil and restore all things ruined by evil, beginning with Adam.

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Boyd is the founding Abbot of the Abbey of St. John in Colorado Springs, Colorado and also serves as the Presiding Abbot of the Basileia Alliance.

Boyd is the founding Abbot of the Abbey of St. John in Colorado Springs, Colorado and also serves as the Presiding Abbot of the Basileia Alliance.

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Initiatives Boyd's Involved With

Expressions of Basileia Boyd Serves